Een knutselbox op maat

Employer Branding

A term that has become indispensable within many companies in recent years. Not only is it increasingly difficult to attract colleagues, retaining colleagues is just as big a challenge. Everyone wants to radiate good employment practices in order to be an attractive company.

Stand out as an employer

Behind every employee is a constituency. In the form of family, a partner or a family with children. This constituency is often of great importance to the employee and a major influencer in the choices he or she makes.

Give your employee something unique

Distinguish yourself as an employer by thanking these supporters a few times a year for their support! This is possible with our unique concept. We deliver a complete box with various craft activities our way a few times a year. Because in the end, attention and time for each other remain the recipe for happiness. And with that also the happiness of your employee.

How does this work?

We offer the seasonal package 4 times a year and the holiday package 4 times a year. Each box is different, depending on the theme or season and changes annually.

We deliver the boxes to the company at agreed times during the year. This allows colleagues to take the boxes home and get to work with the children or grandchildren.

It is also possible to have a custom made box developed.

Choose your package

Season Pack (a box 4 times a year - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)

Holiday package (a box 4 times a year - King's Day, Easter, Sinterklaas, Christmas)

Custom Made - A box filled with activities characteristic of the company

Would you like to receive more information?

Please contact us at or 06-55818860 .