Little Creations; themed craft boxes put together with lots of love

Volgmama wrote a super nice article about our theme box:
A craft concept à la Hello Fresh? Cool! A box with craft activities for your child delivered to your home sounds like music to our ears. What a convenience. All the materials you need for the fun crafts are in one box, so you can stay at home. At Little Creations you can go every month for new themed craft boxes for children aged 3+, 6+, and craft packages for children's parties.
During the Sinterklaas period we received a 'Sinterklaas Junior craft box for children from 6 years old' to review and the title of this blog actually already reveals what we think of it...
The Little Creations craft boxes have been put together with a lot of love and passion. Enough for hours of crafting fun!
You can find the full article by Volgmama about us here!